EN 15085-2:2020

EN 15085-2:2020

The escalating demands for quality and safety in transportation vehicles, particularly railway vehicles, are intensified by the worldwide expansion of industrial production. In response to this, the globally acknowledged EN 15085-2 standard has been formulated. The objective of EN 15085-2 is to guarantee that companies engaged in the manufacturing or maintenance of railway vehicles and their components uphold an adequate standard of welding quality. Certification in accordance with EN 15085-2 is advisable for all enterprises participating in the welding processes associated with railway vehicles

ATC INTL Certification Services for EN 15085-2:2020:

ATC INTL, as a reputable certification body, is dedicated to offering comprehensive services aligned with EN 15085-2. Here’s an overview of how ATC INTL might provide its services:

  1. Documentation Review:
    • ATC INTL conducts a thorough review of your organization’s documentation, including welding procedures, personnel qualifications, and quality management systems, ensuring alignment with the requirements of EN 15085-2.
  2. On-Site Assessment:
    • Certified auditors from ATC INTL perform on-site assessments to evaluate the implementation of welding processes, adherence to standards, and the overall compliance of your organization with EN 15085-2.
  3. Personnel Qualification checks:
    • ATC INTL verifies that personnel involved in welding activities within your organization meet the qualification requirements specified in the standard.
  4. Welding Procedure Qualification:
    • The certification body ensures that welding procedures are qualified and conform to the stipulations of EN 15085-2.
  5. Audit and Compliance:
    • Regular audits are conducted to assess ongoing compliance with the standard. Any identified non-conformities are addressed through corrective actions.
  6. Certification Decision:
    • Based on the assessment results, ATC INTL makes a certification decision, providing your organization with an EN 15085-2 certification if all requirements are met.

Why Choose ATC INTL:

  1. Expertise:
    • ATC INTL boasts a team of experienced auditors and experts well-versed in the welding processes specific to railway applications.
  2. Global Recognition:
    • Certification from ATC INTL is globally recognized, enhancing the marketability of your products in the railway industry.
  3. End-to-End Services:
    • ATC INTL offers a comprehensive suite of services, from initial assessments to periodic audits and recertification, ensuring ongoing compliance.
  4. Customer-Centric Approach:
    • ATC INTL prioritizes a customer-centric approach, tailoring its services to the specific needs and goals of your organization.
  5. Value Addition:
    • Certification from ATC INTL adds value to your organization by demonstrating commitment to quality, safety and compliance with industry standards.

Organizations seeking certification for EN 15085-2 should consider ATC INTL as a reliable partner, offering expertise, global recognition, and a commitment to elevating the standards of railway vehicle welding processes.

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